Séminaires & Soutenances

The Tau leptons, because of their large mass and relatively long life-time offer unique opportunities for precision tests of Standard Model and its extensions  both in the investigation of their decays (where properties of the strong interactions at intermediate energies can be studied) and in their production. To perform such tasks the preparation of new theoretical and in particular Monte Carlo tools are needed. In the following I will…

Ce séminaire bilingue en deux parties vise à démystifier les diagrammes de Feynman pour l'ensemble du personnel du LAPP. Dans un premier temps nous explorerons ces outils essentiels de la physique des particules de manière accessible, utilisant des analogies quotidiennes. La seconde partie se concentrant sur l'art de communiquer efficacement ces concepts à un public non spécialisé.

The T2K experiment has been performing world-leading measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters for a decade. More recently, the MaCh3 Bayesian framework has taken a key role in T2K’s oscillation analysis and was used in the T2K+NOvA and T2K+SK joint fits. I will present the advantages and challenges of conducting a Bayesian oscillation analysis and review the experiment's latest results.
